At Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge we strongly believe that every student has a voice that should be heard, therefore our student voice and leadership opportunities allow students to share who they are and what they believe in. There are several ways that students can contribute to the improvement of both the school and local community.    

Please find further information about Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge student voice and leadership opportunities for 2021-2022 below. If you are interested in any of the roles, please speak to Miss Cheeseman or a member of the Senior Team.

2022/23 Programme



Head Students

The Head student’s role is the most prestigious roles that our students can obtain. Students apply to become Head students at the end of year 10 and an interview process is used to select the students. Head Students are required to undertake numerous public and community related activities throughout the school year. Other responsibilities include representing the school at events, leading the students' council in order to improve the school, represent the student voice at regular meetings with Headteacher.

Student Council

Students are selected as tutor representatives and attend half termly meetings. More information about the dates and locations of meetings will be shared with students via their tutor groups closer to the meeting. This then gives tutor groups an opportunity to discuss anything they would like raised through the student council.

House Captains 

Year 10 students will apply to be House Captains in Term 6, students will then be interviewed and selected by the Heads of House.

The role involves leading and supporting the students in their House in a variety of House Competitions. They will work closely with the Head of House, providing ideas and support for competitions and House related activities. Captains will help organise and lead regular House meetings and assemblies.

Be an excellent role model in behaviour, attitude and appearance at all times.

House Ambassadors

Students within every year group have the opportunity to apply to be House Ambassadors. House ambassadors will support the House Captains and Head of House in the organisation and running of any house related activities. This could include speaking in assemblies, house meetings and ensuring teams are selected for house activities.

Sports Captain

Students in year 11 can apply to be Sports Captain and will head up the Sports Ambassadors. Sports captain will work alongside the PE the Department to lead enrichment activities and promote all things Sport and PE at MECE. Lead assemblies and speak at events such as open evening and awards evening.

Sports Ambassadors

Students in Years 7-10 can apply to be a Sport Ambassador and, if chosen, will work alongside the PE Department to lead enrichment activities and will have the opportunity to help run primary school competitions and festivals.   In order to become a Sport Ambassador students need to have an interest in developing their leadership skills and be committed to making a positive difference to MECE through Sport and Physical Activity.

Events Team

The events team is a selected group of students from all years of the school who help support with school events such as open mornings, open evening and interviews. They will assist with school tours, speaking to parents and student panels.

Wellbeing Ambassador

The Wellbeing Ambassador act as a link between their peers and the support services available in school. Whilst not providing counselling or wellbeing support themselves, they simply give those students who either don’t know or don’t feel confident enough to access support themselves, a peer’s support to do just that. This is an important student leadership opportunity, and we encourage year 11 students to apply only if they think they are a serious candidate and can take this role on showing commitment, determination and integrity at all times.

Students who would like to know more about the student voice programme or leadership opportunities please go and speak to Miss Cheeseman.