Students can only learn effectively and enjoy their learning and their experience at school if they are as healthy and happy as they can be.  To this end we provide a range of services to support their physical and emotional wellbeing.

Medical: Mrs Stewart is a qualified First Aider.  She runs our Student Services and attends to medical emergencies and deals with students and staff who become ill or get injured during the school day.  A number of other staff who are qualified in First Aid can substitute for her and act locally. 

Where we are notified that students have or develop a chronic medical condition, we work with the student and their parents to establish a Care Plan which will ensure that the student can participate safely in as many of the school’s activities as possible.


We have a team of First Aid trained staff who are able to support students who have a medical diagnosis, are feeling unwell in school or have been injured.  Students can go to reception with permission from their teacher and a member of the team will help them. They will also respond to medical emergencies if they occur during the school day.

Where we are notified that students has or developed a diagnosed medical condition, we work with the student and their parents to establish a Medical Healthcare Plan, a copy of this can be requested from if you have not already been sent one. This will ensure that the student can participate safely in as many of the school’s activities as possible and provides staff with information when taking students on school trips.

If your child becomes ill, and you wish for them to be absent from school, please notify everyday to ensure we are notified of their absence. For advice on if your child is well enough to come to school, please see Is my child too ill for school

Medication in School

Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge does not provide medication for students, the only exception to this rule is the emergency administration of pre-prescribed Epinephrine (Epipen) and Diazepam, which has been provided, and consented for, by a parent; or other medication which can be self-administered and for which a parent has given written consent. Please contact to arrange to discuss such requirements.

School Health Nurse

School health nurses are specialist public health nurses who are based in state schools across Oxfordshire.  They work closely with children, young people and their families to support and promote health and wellbeing.  They often work alongside school safeguarding and multi-agency professionals to keep children and young people safe and well. 

For more information visit their website HERE.

Your School Health Nurse is Clare Forno and she can be contacted at

The school nursing team run a drop-in session every Tuesday and Friday lunchtime in the nurses office.