Latest News

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  • 30/03/22
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    Maiden Erlegh Trust is Recruiting

    We currently have support and teaching staff vacancies across a number of our schools.  If you are interested in working for the Trust, you will find a full list of our vacancies HERE.
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  • 29/03/22
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    "Thank You" to Bridges Estate Agents for donating a fabulous £250 John Lewis voucher for the first prize in our Spring raffle!!

    The draw will be on Friday, 1st April - good luck everyone!!
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  • 15/03/22
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    Parents' Forum

    The topics up for discussion for the upcoming Parents' Forum are... MCAS Parent App – your thoughts on our new app. What makes a good transition from Year 6 to Year 7? Summer uniform - MECE introducing shorts, your thoughts?
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  • 15/03/22
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    Wear Red on Red Nose Day!!!

    Students are invited to wear an item of red clothing on Friday 18 March to raise funds for Red Nose Day. For more details click here.
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  • 10/03/22
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    Subject Specific Extended Reading List for Students

    To view a subject specific extended reading list to stretch and challenge yourself, click here!
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  • 09/03/22
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    Jonathon Peck appointed Chief Executive Officer of Maiden Erlegh Trust

    Following a rigorous recruitment process, Jonathon Peck has been appointed Chief Executive Officer taking over from Mary Davies when she retires from the role later this year. Statements from the Chair of Trustees, CEO and newly appointed CEO can be found below:
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  • 04/03/22
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    Sports Hall Athletes Making MECE Proud

    Yesterday, a team of year 7s represented MECE at the Oxfordshire Schools Sportshall Athletics and we couldn't be more proud! We were by far the smallest school and our teams still did brilliantly, the boys coming 4th overall and the girls team coming 6th overall. Well done to all involved!
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  • 03/03/22
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    MECE's Top Linguists at Oxford University

    Mrs Green took some of MECE's top linguists to Queens College, Oxford, for a Modern Foreign Languages day. Our students read Polish poetry and prose, learnt about the science of language and enjoyed a new approach to learning French. All this in the most exquisite surroundings, we are so proud o...
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  • 02/03/22
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    Consultation and public engagement event regarding Proposed Residential Development and school facilities upgrade

    We are holding a community event at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge on Thursday 24 March 2022 between 16:30 and 19:30 for stakeholders and members of the community to see and discuss the plans for the proposed residential development on part of the school field and the...
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  • 22/02/22
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    Open Mornings on Wednesday 9 March and Friday 11 March

    We understand that 15 March 2022 is a key date for parents as this is the deadline for the acceptance of secondary school places.  That is why we are offering open events to parents who would like to meet Headteacher, Andy Hartley, and the senior leadership team before this acceptance date...
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  • 18/02/22
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    School Closure - Friday 18 February 2022

    Due to the red weather warning in place, school will be closed on Friday 18 February 2022.  Please click here for Remote learning details.
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  • 09/02/22
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    Amazing Commitment from Staff recognised by Students and Parents alike.

    We have received some fabulous student / parent feedback this week, here is a sample...   My child has come home each day this week with news of teachers going the extra mile. To mention a couple:   Dr Wyatt taking time at lunchtime to answer chemistry questions. Mr Harte fo...
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