Latest News

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  • 19/05/22
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    Thank a Teacher Here...

    On Thursday 26 May it is national ‘thank a teacher’ day... We are asking students, parents and fellow staff to say a little 'thank you' to those teachers that have made a positive difference. So, if a particular teacher has gone above and beyond for your child or has been part...
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  • 18/05/22
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    University of Reading speaker tells MECE Year 10 about university life

    Thank you to our speaker on Day 1 of our 3 day careers event at MECE who gave our Year 10s a glimpse into life as a university student, we are looking forward to Day 2 already...!
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  • 16/05/22
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    Good luck Year 11!!! You've got this!!

    Wishing all of Year 11 the very best of luck over the coming weeks of exams - we know how hard you have worked, now show the world what you can do!
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  • 09/05/22
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    Ofsted Inspection - Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 May ​​​​​​​

    We have been informed that Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge will be inspected by Ofsted on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 May. To view the Ofsted letter sent to parents please click HERE.
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  • 09/05/22
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    Eyes Down ... House! Bingo night was a hoot!

    Thank you to all that helped organise and attended the fabulous CESA Bingo and Curry Night on Friday, what a fantastic evening and all monies raised go towards doing more wonderful things for our students.
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  • 05/05/22
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    News from the allotment

    Eco Club students got their hands in the earth this week on our allotment, planting onions, potatoes and other vegetables. We look forward to enjoying the fruits (well, vegetables!) of their labour.
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  • 27/04/22
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    Read the responses to our recent parent survey here...

    ...thank you to everyone that took the time to respond to our survey.
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  • 27/04/22
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    BOOK NOW!!! Friday, 6 May - CESA Curry and Bingo Night

    After the huge success of the very enjoyable quiz in the Autumn term, the CESA team are back to entertain us again, this time with a Bingo and Curry Evening taking place on  Friday, 6 May at 7pm. Tickets are £10 and include curry, dessert and 5 games of bingo and lots of fun and games...
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  • 25/04/22
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    MECE Teachers Go the Extra Mile to Deliver Easter School to Year 11

    It was wonderful to see so many Year 11 students attending Easter School over the second week of  the holidays. Thank you to all teachers who gave up their time to put on additional revision sessions for their students. It was very worthwhile, with the focus being on the harder aspects of each...
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  • 08/04/22
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    A huge endorsement from our parents via our recent Parent Survey

    Thank you to everyone that took the time to complete the Parent Survey last month, it was wonderful to have such validation from parents. Here are some of the key headlines: 96% of parents would recommend us 94% of parents thought lessons provided enough challenge 93% of parents...
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  • 05/04/22
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    Read Our Latest Newsletter...
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  • 05/04/22
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    Read our Latest Edition of PE Matters...
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