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  • 07/11/22
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    Drop Everything and Read!!!

    Teachers and students have enjoyed a calm start to lesson one today with 15 minutes of reading for pleasure. 
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  • 06/11/22
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    South Oxon Primary School Cross Country

    Thank you to all the members of our school staff who volunteered their time to make sure the primary school cross country event could go ahead on Saturday. These events rely on people giving up their free time and is another illustration of the wonderful community spirit we enjoy here at M...
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  • 03/11/22
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    Sign Up to Attend the MET Train to Teach Event

    Click HERE for more information and how to sign up.
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  • 14/10/22
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    Science Fair Inspires Students to Excel

    Congratulations to the winners of our recent science fair whose work demonstrated high quality research and understanding. The competition was highly competitive and pleasingly, there was a high turnout for the question and answer sessions from our student body when selecting the prize-winners...
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  • 12/10/22
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    Train to Teach Information Evening - 24 November (6pm until 7pm)

    Are you interested in kick-starting a new career in teaching? Become a teacher and inspire the next generation.
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  • 06/10/22
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    CESA Quiz (Fri, 14 October) - Buy Your Tickets NOW!!!

    For more information and to book your tickets click HERE.
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  • 06/10/22
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    Awe-inspriring Evening of Stargazing with the Reading Astronomical Society

    Mrs Hardman put on a wonderful evening of "Space Talk" with the Reading Astronomical Society last night for our keen astronomers at MECE. Students got to hold meteorites, heard about the formation of stars and colliding galaxies, finished off with viewing  Jupiter and four of it...
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  • 05/10/22
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    Wonderful Feedback from Open Events

    "(We have) been to all the schools and this, by far, was the best tour and showcase.  We attended both the Open Evening and Morning.  The Evening was excellent with the science experiments, and subject showcases and challenges, head teacher and pupil presentations and tour...
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  • 29/09/22
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    Fantastic Open Evening

    Thank you to all staff and students involved in making our Open Evening such a roaring success, read on for a flavour of the feedback we received from prospective parents...
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  • 16/09/22
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    National Teaching Assistant Day

    “Today is National Teaching Assistant Day. Please join me in saying a huge thank you to our wonderful team who work tirelessly to support our students in and out of lessons. They put in a lot of work behind the scenes to support some of our most vulnerable students and they do a sterling job i...
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  • 09/09/22
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    We offer our heartfelt condolences to the Queen’s family following her passing.  An inspirational woman of integrity, devotion and duty who dedicated her entire life to service.  Her loss will be felt across the world.  Thank you for being a 'constant' in a sometimes tur...
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  • 09/09/22
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    Part Time Vacancy - Evenings and Weekends

    We are looking to recruit a part-time Site & Lettings Assistant at MECE, please click on the advert below for more information.
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