Latest News

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  • 24/08/19
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    Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge delighted with GSCE & BTEC Results 2019

    Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge School is once again delighted with how well students have performed in this year’s examinations. Year 11s dedication to their studies has paid off and we are proud of them.
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  • 19/07/19
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    Are you interested in a September place for your Year 7 child?

    We are in the fortunate position of being able to release 10 more places in Year 7 for September 2019.  If you would like to consider transferring from your child's allocated school to Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge please email the school office with...
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  • 19/07/19
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    Open Mornings - 18 and 24 September 2019 at 9.00am

    An opportunity for parents to see the school on a normal working day and meet Miss Green (Headteacher) and other senior leaders.  Booking is required for these visits which usually last an hour.  Please contact the school office to reserve your place.
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  • 19/07/19
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    Open Evening - 19 September 2019, 5.30-7.30pm

    The evening will be an opportunity to visit the school and meet and talk to staff and students.  There will be lots to do and see including: subject displays, hands-on activities, drama and music performances, enrichment information, tours of the school and a presentation by Miss Green, Headtea...
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  • 17/06/19
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    Congratulations to Year 11 on completing their GCSE exams

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  • 10/06/19
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    Open Evening - Wednesday 3 July 2019, 5pm-8pm, for pupils moving to secondary school in September 2020.

    We are holding an Open Evening on Wednesday 3 July for parents and primary school pupils currently in Year 5 who will be moving to secondary school in September 2020.  For further details please contact the school office.
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  • 07/06/19
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    Good luck to former student Fran Kirby and the England team at FIFA Women's World Cup 2019

    We would like to wish Fran Kirby and the rest of the England team the very best of luck in France at the FIFA Women's World Cup 2019 tournament. 
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  • 23/04/19
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    Condition Improvement Fund Success

    Maiden Erlegh Trust secures £1m grant from the DfE to replace roofing at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge.   The Trust is pleased to announce that it has been successful in securing around £1m in grant funding to replace the aged and deficient roof coverings at Maiden Erlegh Chilte...
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  • 26/03/19
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    'Online Safety' Parent Conference - 7.30pm, 1 April 2019 at The Bulmershe School

    'Online Safety - understanding the virtual world that your children live in?'  Presented by Adam Stockton, Technical Support Manager and Online Safety Program Coordinator, McAfee UK.  This conference will take place at The Bulmershe School.  To book a place please email: paren...
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  • 06/03/19
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    A great turn out for our first Parent Conference hosted at Maiden Erlegh School (Silverdale Road)

    Thank you to everyone who supported our Parent Conference at Maiden Erlegh School (Silverdale Road) on 4 March 2019, especially Elizabeth Burton-Phillips MBE, who shared her very personal story about the effects of drug addiction on the whole family.  A huge thank you also to Elizabeth's so...
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  • 01/03/19
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    Year 7 admissions 2019 - following national offer day, we are delighted to announce that we are currently oversubscribed for Year 7 places next September.

    We are delighted by the increased interest in Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge and are pleased to say we are now oversubscribed. The school is looking forward to a secure and successful future. Results have improved and are now above those of some of our local schools and we expect the results fo...
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  • 15/02/19
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    Parent Conferences - 4 March, 20 March and 1 April

    In partnership with Bulmershe School and Waingels College, Maiden Erlegh School (Earley) are hosting the first of three parent conferences on Monday 4 March 2019.
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