Latest News

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  • 31/01/20
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    Wonderfully "Wicked " (The Musical)

    Thank you to all staff involved in taking Years 9, 10 and 11 Music and Performing Arts students to see Wicked the musical this week in London - students were impeccably behaved and a pleasure to travel with.
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  • 31/01/20
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    "All Together for Excellence for Everyone" - a successful staff CPD day

    The Staff CPD Day gave all members of MECE the opportunity to meet with our colleagues across the Maiden Erlegh Trust - a day spent sharing ideas, making new connections and learning from the experiences of others.
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  • 24/01/20
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    Another successful Parent's Forum

    Wonderful to know that we have the support and backing of parents when it comes to our behaviour policy
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  • 24/01/20
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    Proud to have hosted the South Oxon Primary School Sports Hall Athletics - 17 January 2020

    A massive well done and thank you to the MECE Sports Captains and Leaders for all their hard work supporting this event and congratulations to Sonning Common Primary School for coming 1st!
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  • 20/12/19
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    Introducing Andy Hartley

    Click here to find out more about our new Headteacher.
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  • 04/12/19
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    Oliver! The Musical - 17-19 December, doors open at 6:45pm. Tickets now available (Adults £7, Concessions £4).

    Please support our school production which takes places 17-19 December at 7:00pm in the main school hall.  Doors open at 6:45pm.
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  • 04/11/19
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    Mr Andrew Hartley is appointed new Headteacher at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge

    As you may be aware, the school has recently held a recruitment process to appoint a substantive Headteacher for Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge. We were extremely fortunate to have had significant interest in this role.   A number of potential candidates were shown around the school and...
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  • 28/10/19
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    First edition of our new Newsletter 'MECEmatters' is now available.

    A copy of MECEmatters can be found by clicking on this LINK
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  • 25/10/19
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    Sonning Common Primary School Visit for a Science and French taster session

    On Wednesday 16 October we welcomed Y6 pupils from Sonning Common Primary School for a taster Science session (where pupils gained a Bunsen burner safety certificate) and a French session (which involved French bingo, pastries and hot chocolate).
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  • 18/10/19
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    World 'Restart a Heart' day - 16 October 2019

    Year 7, 8 and 9 students worked with paramedics from South Central Ambulance Service to learn about CPR and how to perform this potentially life saving procedure.
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  • 16/10/19
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    Open Morning for parents of Year 6 pupils - Thursday 24 October, 9:00-10:00am

    Due to demand we will be putting on one more Open Morning before applications have to be submitted on 31 October for Year 7 places in September 2020.  If you would like to come and see the school on a normal working day and talk to members of our senior leadership team please...
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  • 30/09/19
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    OPEN EVENING - Thank you to staff and students

    Our Open Evening for Year 6 students and their parents took place on Thursday 19 September and was very well attended by pupils and their parents.  Thank you to staff for the engaging events that were put on in departments and for the students who talked to parents and gave tours of the site.
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