Latest News

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  • 25/02/21
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    Open Events for September 2021 Starters - Book here now...

    An online event giving you the opportunity to speak to our Senior Leadership Team in readiness for accepting school places. To book onto the event click here.
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  • 25/02/21
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    Remote Learning Provision

    - Due to COVID-19 the school site is currently closed to all students except children of keyworkers and those who are classed as vulnerable.  Please remember that we are here to help so if your child experiences any problems trying to access on-line lessons; upload their work, or, for wellbeing...
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  • 24/02/21
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    Mr Hunter is keeping the staff active with weekly Zoom workouts for all Trust staff

    Thanks to Mr Hunter's weekly online work-outs, the staff at MECE will be "match fit" and raring to go when we welcome everyone back to school soon. 
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  • 22/02/21
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    Inter-house Half Term Challenge

    We had 155 students and staff travelling a total distance of 976.57 miles across the week, and here are the results... 1st Peppard - 439.02 miles 2nd Thames - 236.089 miles 3rd Chiltern - 164.371 miles 4th Abbey - 137.09 miles Congratulations Peppard House and thank you to e...
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  • 08/02/21
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    Get Active - This Week's Inter-House Competition is Launched!

    This week, students and staff are being challenged to cover some miles, on foot and on bike. Every step and peddle will be counted towards your House total - Good Luck Everybody! Challenge ends on Sunday!
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  • 04/02/21
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    Parent Bites

    We are proud to announce that we have launched a Parent Bites page on our website.   Please read the full story below.
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  • 01/02/21
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    Children's Mental Health Week - House Competition - Express Yourself

    We are today launching the first of our non-screen focused inter-house competitions which will run every week until we all return to school.
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  • 28/01/21
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    CPD Theme - Diverse: Inclusive

    Our Trust CPD day looked a little different this year, but we were still able to take the opportunity for some cross trust working and development, and also to address some of our Trust strategic development priorities; with that in mind, we had a clear focus on Diversity and Inc...
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  • 18/12/20
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    We hope You Enjoy Our Christmas Video, from all the staff at MECE

    (1) "Walking in a MECE Wonderland" - YouTube
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  • 14/12/20
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    Chiltern House are Going into the Last Week... the top of the House Point Leader Board with an impressive 3942 points, hotly pursued by Abbey House with 3830, Thames House and Peppard House are battling it out for 3rd place with Thames sneaking ahead of Peppard by just 9 points!!!!
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  • 10/12/20
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    Writing Competition Success

    A big thank you to Miss Jackson for promoting an external writing competition to our students. We are delighted to tell you that Wilfred (Y10) and Cameron (Y9) were highly commended and that Scarlett(Y8) came runner up and receives a £25 book token!!
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  • 04/12/20
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    Year 11 Parents' Evening a Huge Success

    We thoroughly enjoyed speaking to you this week during the Year 11 Parents' Evening. It was great to share our students' triumphs with you and to know that we have your support in making the most of these most crucial months coming up.
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