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  • 17/10/21
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    Deadline for Secondary School Applications 31 October!!!

    A reminder that you must submit your application for secondary school places for 2022 by 31 October - your child is less likely to be offered a place at their chosen school if you miss the deadline for applications.
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  • 14/10/21
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    High Achieving Pupils (HAP) - An evening to discuss an array of HAP provisions available at MECE

    This evening gave students exclusive access to the school HAP calendar, insights into upcoming trips, reading lists and much more. It was a wonderful evening full of positivity and excitement for what we can achieve over the coming year.
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  • 14/10/21
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    Peer on Peer Abuse Theatre Performance

    A thought-provoking morning that had students fully engaged. It is important as a school that we model positive behaviour and equip our students with an understanding of society and how to communicate effectively with each other. This was a great way to explore these skills.
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  • 06/10/21
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    So Proud of our Careers Evening Offering

    We were so pleased with the offering at our Careers Evening, which was very well attended, so thank you to all students and parents who came along and engaged in the event.
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  • 30/09/21
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    Post 16 Provision Evening - Tuesday 5 October 2021, 5:00pm to 7:00pm

    Further details of our Post 16 provision evening can be found HERE.
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  • 30/09/21
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    Our final open morning is taking place on Wednesday 20 October from 9:15-10:30am (booking is required)

    These sessions include an opportunity to have a tour of the school and meet our Headteacher on a 'normal' working day.  Further details can be found HERE.
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  • 24/09/21
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    School finishes at 1:25pm on Tuesday 28 September

    In order to prepare for our Open Evening, please be reminded that school finishes at 1:25pm on Tuesday 28 September - buses have been informed and will arrive in time for the early close. Thank you for your understanding.
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  • 24/09/21
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    Years 7, 8 & 10 Were “MADE” Up with this Workshop

    What an inspirational day our students had during the MADE workshop this week, working on “thinking big” and looking at developing a growth mindset. We hope that this workshop will have helped our Year 7s embrace secondary school life with confidence!
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  • 23/09/21
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    A Great Start for our Year 7 Cohort!

    Thank you to all Year 7 parents who attended the information evening, we were so thrilled to hear your positive comments regarding the school, confirming you are very happy with your choice of MECE.
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  • 16/09/21
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    Open Mornings a Huge Success...With More to Come!

    Over the last 2 days we have welcomed over 130 people to our school, viewing as prospective students and families. We have been so pleased to be able to open our doors again, and so proud of our calm, productive school, with students learning and teachers teaching. The feedback has been overwhelming...
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  • 14/09/21
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    UNLOC'd Potential!

    Our Year 11s had a fantastic day with Unloc, one of our careers partners, who delivered a day of Enterprise workshops and activities. Students spent the morning in skills-based workshops before embarking on an enterprise activity, finishing off with some fantastic pitches at the end of the day.
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  • 12/08/21
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    Congratulations and well done to Year 11 on their GCSE and BTEC results today

    Every member of the Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge family should feel a great pride in the GCSE and BTEC results that the students have received today. We would like to thoroughly congratulate our students on their hard work, determination and resilience that led them to receiving these results. All of...
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