Latest News

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  • 07/02/22
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    Co-op Community Fund Monies Being Put to Good Use

    We have new outdoor seating to go outside the library. These benches have been purchased with money from the Co-Operative Community Fund and we are incredibly grateful for this money. This will allow us to give our students another space to use during breaktimes and lunchtimes.
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  • 04/02/22
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    Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

    We are delighted that after our recent launch of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, over 50% of Year 9 students have signed up to take part!!
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  • 31/01/22
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    Year 11 Prom Planning Underway!!!

    Year 11 have been meeting with Mrs Ashley to start discussing their leavers' prom.
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  • 21/01/22
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    Compassion, respect, courage and justice.

    This week’s assembly was by Mrs Ashley, our Head of Year 10 and 11, on Martin Luther King Day. Next week sees Mr Yarwood deliver his assembly on Holocaust Memorial Day. These assemblies represent a flavour of the values we are endeavouring to give our students – compassion, respect, cour...
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  • 18/01/22
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    Drop Everything.....!

    ....and READ!!! This Tuesday we held our second Drop Everything and Read session in class. All students (and teachers) in years 7-9 enjoyed a delightful start to the day with a 20min read for pleasure. Students were reading a wide-range of fascinating books; fiction, non-fiction, g...
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  • 16/01/22
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    Scrumptious Delights in the School Kitchen!!

    Mrs Boden has been cooking up a storm in the school kitchen and delighting students and staff alike with her offerings so far this term!
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  • 14/01/22
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    Staff Member of the Week - Miss Cheeseman!

    She has led a brilliant Year 7 Kindness Challenge this week and this initiative typifies her pro-active and incredibly thorough approach to being a Head of Year. Go Miss Cheeseman!
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  • 06/01/22
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    Fantastic Return to School from Students

    We have been delighted with the way the students have been towards face coverings in the classroom and around the school. Thank you to everyone involved for your support in this matter as clearly this has been supported by almost every MECE household. In addition, it was hugely appreciated that...
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  • 04/01/22
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    700 items Donated to Food Bank

    What better way to finish the term before Christmas than to be able to deliver 700 donated food items to the Weller Centre Food Bank in Caversham. Thank you to everyone that contributed and to Mr Hunter and Mr Hartley for delivering them.
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  • 16/12/21
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    12:30 finish on Friday 17 December

    School finishes at 12:30 on the last day of term, buses will arrive at 12:30.   Have a happy and healthy Christmas everyone!
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  • 15/12/21
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    Start of term - 04 January 2022

    YR 7, 10 & 11 Onsite, YR 8 & 9 Remote Learning
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  • 02/12/21
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    Consultation on PROPOSED Admissions Arrangements 2023/24

    Maiden Erlegh Trust are consulting on the 2023/24  admissions arrangements for Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge.  Full details of the proposed changes and details of how to respond can be found HERE. The consultation takes place from Friday 3 December 2021 to Monday 31 January 2022...
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